New Jersey

New Jersey

Shot glasses and other souvenirs

(State of New Jersey)

General Information:

Location: Northeastern United States
Capital: Trenton
Language(s): English
Population: 8,878,463
Total Area: 22,608 sq km
Curious Alcohol Fact: Although small, New Jersey has wineries
Most Popular Drink(s): Beers, wines – best enjoyed with our New Jersey shot glass souvenirs
Nickname(s): The Garden State
What You Must Do in New Jersey: Visit the New Jersey Botanical Garden

New Jersey Travel Video

Video Courtesy: CapitalMediaNetwork

The State

Like New Hampshire, New Jersey is also one of the original 13 states and is also named after a location in Europe –the island of Jersey. The state is bordered to the north and east by the state of New York, to the west by Pennsylvania, south and southeast by the Atlantic Ocean and the state of Delaware flanks its southwestern side.

A state full of diversities, New Jersey is one of the most densely populated states in the country and this can be attributed to the fact that it is located very close to major conurbations –New York and Philadelphia.

Although New Jersey is one of the smallest states in the country, it is one of the most populous. The state can also be seen as a transit point for the millions of immigrants who are heading for New York City.

Although climate can vary from region to region in the state, summers can be slightly hot and winters are usually cold. Drainage of the area is mainly done by the Delaware River, Raritan and the Hackensack River. The largest city is Newark and the capital city is Trenton and the nickname for the city is ‘The Garden State’.

The People

For centuries, the state of New Jersey has played to hosts to immigrants and the influx continues to this day. Today, almost 70% of the people residing in the state are Whites and many of them are Germans, Irish, Russians, English and Italians.

Others are Blacks (African Americans), American Indians, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders. Furthermore, the state has a considerably large number of other ethnic groups that traditionally exist as minorities in other states. These include Africans, Chinese, Koreans, Arabs, Indians and Filipinos.

Christianity is the major religion in the state and there is a tiny population of Muslims, Buddhists and followers of other faiths. The state is bounded to the west by Pennsylvania, south and southeast by the Atlantic Ocean and the state of Delaware flanks its southwestern side.

A state full of diversities, New Jersey is one of the most densely populated states in the country and this can be attributed to the fact that it is located very close to major conurbations –New York and Philadelphia.

Although New Jersey is one of the smallest states in the country, it is one of the most populous. The state can also be seen as a transit point for the millions of immigrants who are heading for New York City. Climate can vary from region to region in the state. Therefore, summers can be slightly hot and winters are usually cold.

Drainage of the area is mainly done by the Delaware River, Raritan and the Hackensack River. The largest city is Newark. The capital city is Trenton and the nickname for the city is ‘The Garden State’.


When it comes to nice and tasty foods, forget the size of the Garden State, as you will be dazzled with the array of foods that the state has in stock for you.

As a result of its proximity to New York City, foods such as pastrami, burgers and pizza are quite popular. However, the most interesting about New Jersey cuisine is that there are some foods, which are unique to the state itself.

One of the best examples of such dishes is the ripper, a type of hot dog. If you stay in the capital, you are likely to enjoy meals containing tomato pie and pork roll.

Apart from these foods, the various communities all over the state have their own mouth-watering dishes. You can try one or two Asian or African meals –which are usually served steaming hot!


There are various breweries in the state implying constant supply of beers, ales and lagers of all kinds. As small as its, New Jersey also has a number of wineries and that means you can always get a glass of wine!

When it comes to nice and tasty foods, you will be dazzled with the array of foods here. As a result of its proximity to New York City, foods such as pastrami, burgers and pizza are quite popular.

However, the most interesting about New Jersey cuisine is that there are some foods, which are unique to the state itself. For example, one of the best examples of such dishes is the ripper, a type of hot dog.

If you stay in the capital, you are likely to enjoy meals containing tomato pie and pork roll. To clarify, the various communities all over the state have their own mouth-watering dishes and you can try one or two Asian or African meals –which are usually served steaming hot!


When it comes to sports in the United States, New Jersey is clearly a leader. The most popular sports in the state include baseball, soccer, basketball, football and ice hockey. The state is also home to some of the most impressive sporting facilities in the world.

Interesting Facts

New Jersey is one of the richest states in the country.
The state is actually named after one of the British islands. Therefore, you should not be surprised.
New Jersey is one of the last states to abolish slavery.
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the state.
New Jersey is a very important agricultural center in the country.
It has has a very interesting nickname: the Garden State.

New Jersey souvenirs

Moreover, New Jersey, with its several iconic symbols and landmarks, remains one of the most popular places to purchase New Jersey shot glass souvenirs.

However, among the many options of New Jersey-themed souvenirs, shot glasses are considered intriguing items for collecting or gifting.

Story By World By Shotglass
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Special thanks to our contributors:
Adebayo Ahmed Adebola (Ilorin, Nigeria).


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