

Republic of Kosovo

Location: Europe
Capital: Pristina
Language: Albanian and Serbian
Population: 1,810,463 million
Total Area: 10,908 km sq
Currency: Euro and Serbian Dinar

Favourite drinks: Wines – best enjoyed with our Kosovo shot glass souvenirs

Credits: Kosovo, the Land of Hospitality

The Country

Kosovo have put everything they have had into their independence. They finally wrestled themselves out of the old Yugoslavia only to find they were still officially part of Serbia. This did not sit well.

Mostly made up of Albanian Muslims, it took only a few years before violence broke out between them and the Serbs, which included attacks on people who were once their neighbors and maybe even their friends.

The UN struggled to keep control of the situation, but finally the conflict ended in 1999. It wasn’t however, until 2008 that Kosovo became an independent county and looking at the country now, they have another long battle ahead. Statistics list them as one of the poorest countries in Europe.

The People

In 1948 23.6 of the Kosovo population was made up of Serbians. Today it is 9.9 of the population. The remainders are ethnic Albanians and to say they hate their neighbors and in some ways compatriots is an understatement.

Attacks on the Serbs driven many of them back to their homeland, but that is not the only reason the country currently has such a disportionate amount of Albanians. Kosovo Albanian population has one of the fastest growth rates in the world and certainly the fastest in Europe.


If Kosovo ever becomes the tourist attraction it hopes one day to become, its center will be this ski resort.

Between 900m and 2500 m above sea level, its low part produces a mild climate perfect for the summer months while its high parts attracts professional skiers and professional skis teams.

The ski slopes tend to be very fast and attracts mostly experienced skiers.

Rugova Valley

Deep within the Cursed mountains and running along the Lombardhi River is the Rugova Valley.

Once just a stretch of beautiful, wild land, the authorities have worked hard to implement paths for hikers, including a café where people can buy local produce. Other highlights include a waterfall and if you interested in extreme sports, some great rock climbing.

Decani Monastery

Built in 1327, this world heritage site and Serbian Orthodox monastery has the largest fresco painting collection in the world, covering all themes from the New Testament.

They havepreserved alot of the building and its artwork after the Turkish occupation, and today it is home to a brotherhood. Among the beautiful artwork, they spend their time publishing books and carving figures from wood.

These features and some of the sites that have been mentioned in the sections above have now made Kosovo one of the most promising nations in Europe as far as tourism is concerned. And if the words of the many tourism are anything to go by, this is the place to be.

Kosovo souvenirs

Moreover, Kosovo, with its several iconic symbols and landmarks, has always been and remains one of the most popular places to purchase souvenirs. However, among the many options of Kosovo-themed souvenirs, shot glasses are considered particularly and intriguing items for collecting or gifting.

Story By World By Shotglass

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Special thanks to our contributors:

Simon Arms (Berlin, Germany) for story editing.


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