

República Federativa do Brasil

General Information:

Location: South America
Capital: Brasilia
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Population: 210,147,125
Total Area: 8,514,876.6 sq km
Currency: Brazilian Real
Curious Alcohol Fact: The majority of Brazilians celebrate the carnival, a national party which occurs during the week preceding Lent. Traditional carnival drinks are called batidas which are prepared using cachaca, tropical fruits and juices, wine or champagne, and, if made without alcohol, sweet condensed milk, coconut milk, and peanut butter can be added.
Annual Average Liquor Consumption per Capita: 9.16
Most Popular Drink: The national beverage is coffee, and the most common native liquor is called cachaca. Cachaca is distilled from sugar-cane.

Brazil Travel Video

Video Courtesy: TravelOnline

The Country

The Federative Republic of Brazil (Republica Federativa do Brasil) is the fifth largest country by both land area and population in the world and the largest country in South America. Brazilian territory is also comprised of numerous archipelagos. The country borders all of the South American countries with the exception of Ecuador and Chile. Brazil was founded as a colony of Portugal in 1500. In 1822, the country secured its independence from Portugal and became a Federal Republic comprised of the Federal District, 26 States, and 5,564 Municipalities. The name “brazil” is thought to have come from “brazilwood” which is a timber tree native to the area.


The People

Most Brazilians are descendents of indigenous people, Portuguese settlers, and African slaves. Multiracial Brazilians are called the Brown population (pardo in Portuguese) and include Caboclos (descendents of Whites and Indians), Mulattoes (descendants of Whites and Blacks) and Cafuzos (descendants of Blacks and Indians). It is estimated that there are around 67 tribes of isolated people who have no contact with the civilized world. Brazil also supposedly has the largest number of these people in the world.


Brazilian cuisine tends to vary depending upon the region. The national dish is feijoada which is a stew consisting of beans, beef, and pork. Popular regional dishes include vatapa, a dish made of bread, shrimp, and coconut milk which is found in the Northern area of the country. Moqueca, native to the Southern region, is a seafood stew. Palenta, fried cornmeal, and acaraje, deep-fried black-eyed peas, are also common dishes. Everyday food typically consists of rice and beans, beef, and salad.


The national liquor of Brazil is called cachaca, and it is a potent liquor made from distilled sugar-cane. It is used in many different drinks, many of a tropical fruit base. Caipirinha is a drink that mixes cachaca with sugar and lime juice, for example. Some people drink cachaca straight or add a drop of honey to it. While Brazilians enjoy their liquor, the actual national beverage is considered to be coffee.

The Culture

The culture of Brazil blends various aspects of Portuguese, African, and indigenous cultures. Aspects of Italian and German cultures have also found their way into Brazilian society as has been a substantial number of immigrants from these respective European countries. The Portuguese language and Roman Catholicism are two important parts of the culture that reflect Portugal’s influence. Another important part of Brazilian life is football (American soccer). The Brazilian soccer team is considered to be one of the best teams in the world, a fact evidenced by five World Cups. When it comes to the game of soccer, Brazil is unarguably the most successful nation on earth. Even some of the most successful football players in European leagues are from Brazil. This is surely a trend that will continue for a long time to come with the next World Cup being hosted in the Latin American nation. In 2010, Brazil formed TV Brasil Internacional which is a television station that broadcast internationally.

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